

BD Special
Unique Occupy Immune Conversion Immune Death Immune

THE CLASS NAME is a "Special" Class
That belongs to the Blue Dragon faction.

THE CLASS NAME has the ability to do something with <Ability Name>.

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque ipsa recusandae explicabo necessitatibus, eos at deserunt! Voluptatem incidunt at odit veritatis modi, illo, cupiditate eos delectus, non perspiciatis repellat ex.

Discover and defeat all opposing faction members that wish to cause the Blue Dragon harm.

You've already won :)


Found a bug? Message @otorhinolaryngologically#3744
otorhinolaryngologically/Rogue is not affiliated with Throne of Lies or Imperium42, and this is just a user-made utility.
otorhinolaryngologically/Rogue does not take responsibility for any content created by users.

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